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Don't stop loving

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The majority of relationships do not terminate amicably. The majority of the time, one spouse stops loving while the other remains committed. You are not alone if you were among those who believed in a mutual love yet were let go.

Don't stop loving

It's difficult enough to deal with the pain of an unplanned loss. It will be more difficult for you to let go if you are still in love with your ex. The optimism that the relationship will work again later on can be fueled by your residual feelings of love and connection.

You might not even understand why you can't seem to let go of your ex or move on from the breakup, like so many other bereaved partners do. When you want to feel well, you might not be able to comprehend why you keep getting harmed. Although you are aware that the past must go, it feels as though it has put you in a cage.

I have heard many of these tales over the past forty years, and I have assisted grieving individuals in understanding why they persist in loving without return. I'm hoping that by hearing some of their stories, you will be able to better understand why it's so difficult for you to let go of someone who has no desire to remain with you.

The six most frequent explanations for why you might have found it difficult to let go of a partner who has ended the relationship are listed below. Even while these situations might not exactly reflect what you are going through or have gone through, they might nonetheless make it clear that you are not alone or emotionally unfit. You won't be able to alter your conduct the next time you fall in love until you comprehend why you continue to love after a relationship ends.

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